Wednesday, January 26, 2011


#jan25 Twitter & Facebook blocked in #egypt on #jan26 , for all Egyptians, to bypass the blockade use one of the following methods:

1- Proxies:

2- Tor Project:

You can download and install it then use it to access blocked sites.

3- VPN accounts:
Like or other providers, you can setup the VPN account on your PC or even iPhone/iPad and access blocked sites.

For Android Mobiles Users (Specially those covering the events):-
You can find in the Android Market:
Facebook proxy
Twitter proxy

-Please make sure your mobile batteries are charged then switch it with spare batteries where applicable and charge them too.
-If you have a small netbook/notebook take it with you after emptying it from all personal stuff, keep it powered off untill you need it to recharge your mobile batteries or you want to use it to decrease resolution/size of a picture before sending it.
-When sending updates please insert #jan25 and #Egypt through your post so it can be easily tracked by search engines

Quick links to check the news in realtime:

General advices:
- Take a bottle of water with you.
- Do not attack the Police.
- Take black spray or paint with you in case the police tries attacking you with the armored vehicles.
- Be creative, think of making some woodblocks with nails in it so it tear the tires of the armored vehicles in case they attack you.
- Think of some tool to disjoin and then rejoin again easily finding the gatherings easily, you might think of green laser or whatever to sign to each other, you might think of developing a fast code to use in your communications.
- Before going to a certain place try asking the people you know there to remove the passwords from their wireless access points to be used if there is a mobile blockade.
- Try to gather in side streets first until numbers increased heavily before showing up in main streets/squares.
- Try avoiding clashes with the Police.
- Try pointing out any intruders (Police disguised in civilian clothes or thugs).
- Do not wreak havoc.
- Take care of yourself.
- This is not a fun trip, you might not get back alive, but, nobody get out of this life alive anyways.

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